It is an easy-to-use and fast speech recognition system with a user-friendly interface.You will get this speaker-independent recognition tool in several languages, including French, English, German, Dutch, and more. It is an open source program, developed at Carnegie Mellon University.

Besides the speech recognition system, it also supports deep neural networks and linear transforms.ĬMUS Sphinx comes with a group of featured-enriched systems with several pre-built packages related to speech recognition.Provides support to install and configure the application to your system.Runs on multiple platforms, including GNU/Linux, BSD, and Microsoft Windows.A free and flexible open source voice recognition application, under the Apache license.It provides a flexible and comfortable environment to its users with a lot of extensions to enhance the power of Kaldi. This toolkit comes with an extensible design and written in C++ programming language. Kaldi is a special kind of speech recognition software, started as a part of a project at John Hopkins University.